ACMS, The Association of Certified Marine Surveyors, Inc. is an organization dedicated to the professional development of
our membership. This ensures our members can provide a superior service to their clients which reflects on the professionalism of
ACMS. We deliver a continuous stream of current information to the membership, including new technology, and new marine safety
updates. This information is made available via email and it provides our membership with the latest vessel standards, technical
information, industry news, U.S. Coast Guard regulation changes, and the latest professional development information that is
available. We provide webinars to groups on New Info and suggested or requested topics.
ACMS was founded in the 90’s, acquired a group of top notch marine surveyors, and was then chartered. Our mission is to
provide the tools required to grant credentials to marine surveyors who have proven their knowledge and expertise of the marine
surveyor trade.
ACMS offers Marine Surveyors who are certified a viable organization with reasonable annual dues. We offer Marine
Surveyors who are not yet certified an opportunity to advance through our Requirements Procedure to certification. Unlike other
organizations, ACMS offers applicants who are just starting in the marine surveyor trade access to our Marine Surveyor Apprentice
Program, free of charge. The ACMS Marine Surveyor Apprentice Program has been in service for over twenty years with excellent
results for those who follow through and complete the program.
About ACMS
About ACMS